Introducing the DIY Putter CounterWeight System exclusively for HoleOutPro™
As if you needed another reason to install HoleOutPro™, our Absurdly Functional™ USGA conforming ballmark holder...
Putter counter-balancing at the grip-end has become a popular trend. Why? It offers a noticeable difference in "feel" to whatever putter you're currently using: A more balanced, less bottom-heavy feel, enhancing the player's "touch" on the green.
Until now, counterweights were not easily user-installed and required a professional to do a clean, accurate installation, or required the purchase of a new counter-weighted putter or grip. That's no longer the case:
Introducing the HoleOut ProMass™ CounterWeight System.
When you make the smart decision to install HoleOutPro™, simply add on one of 3 different ProMass™ options: 50g., 75g., or 100g. Thread ProMass™ onto the bottom of HoleOutPro™ tightly, then install according to its instructions. HoleOutPro™ comes equipped with it's own installation blade to core your putter grip, so all you'll need is a screwdriver to tighten. Made from high-quality stainless steel so it won't rust, each comes with a custom vibration damper, so it won't rattle either. And it's USGA conforming.
Easily installed, easily change-able, won't rust, won't rattle. Like all of our goods, it just works.
Important: HoleOutPro™ is sold separately. ProMass™ will not work without it!
HoleOutPro™ = 13g. Adding each ProMass™ equals the total stated weight.
We think you'll agree: the feel is "positive", and just like all of our products:
game changing.
And all HoleOut® products come with a 30-day full refund guarantee.
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