Tru-Vertical™ by HoleOut®

Tru-Vertical™ by HoleOut®

Regular price $ 1,000,000.00 Sale price

Plumb-Bobbing Doesn't Work.
Tru-Vertical™ Does.

1 putt more, 3 putt less, and sink a LOT more putts. Learn how to turn your putter into a perfect plumb-line AND how to utilize your new found Tru-Vertical™ edge.
Oh yeah, this is Free.
Watch This 3 Minute Vid:

Every player should  use their putter to read greens. The problem is most players, tour pros (and TV golf commentators) don't know--or understand--the right way to do it.

With a calibrated putter and a little practice, you'll be reading greens better than anybody in your group. And if you're a tour pro, you'll save multiple strokes during the weekend.

We'll show you how to find your putter shaft's true vertical edge. Every putter hangs differently. Your Tru-Vertical™ edge can only found by analyzing your putter's own natural-hang against a true plumb-line. Once you've found your edge, it's like having a plumb-line on every green.

What Do You Do with That?
If you can see the subtle breaks in the green, and the subtle angle of the "cut" of the hole, based on a truly vertical reference that's hanging right in front of your eyes, you'll get the benefit. You'll see previously hidden breaks with a true vertical reference. Some people won't ever see it, and that's OK. But if you can see it, it can be the difference between a HoleOut and a lip-out.

Tru-Vertical™ is our gift to you. But if you want to take it to the next level, utilize the outstanding visual attributes of our USGA conforming HoleOut ProBall Mark Holder, and even add DIY putter counter-balancing with our ProMass System.
Tru-Vertical™ also integrates seamlessly with AimPoint®. Watch the short video above and get your edge.

And that's your edge.  And yeah, you're welcome.

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